Evaluating Your Website’s E-A-T: Tools and Metrics to Measure Success

Have you ever wondered why some websites rank higher on search engines than others, even though they seem to have similar content? The secret lies in their E-A-T score. E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, and it’s a crucial element in determining the success of your website. In this world where content is king, it’s important to ensure that your website’s E-A-T score is high enough to satisfy both your readers and search engines. In this article, we will explore the different tools and metrics you can use to evaluate your website’s E-A-T and provide you with actionable tips to improve it. So, are you ready to boost your website’s ranking and improve its credibility? Let’s get started

What is E-A-T and Why is it Important?

E-A-T is not a new concept, but it has become increasingly important in recent years. In August of 2018, Google released its Quality Rater Guidelines, which emphasized the importance of E-A-T in determining a website’s quality. So, what exactly is E-A-T?

  • Expertise: Demonstrating your knowledge and expertise on a particular topic. This can be achieved through high-quality content, specific credentials or certifications, and author bios that showcase your expertise.
  • Authority: Being recognized as an authority in your field by other industry experts and peers. This can be achieved through backlinks, mentions from other authoritative websites, and awards or recognition within your industry.
  • Trustworthiness: Building trust with your audience through transparency, security, and a track record of reliability. This can be achieved through clear policies, authentic and transparent communication, and positive reviews and ratings from customers.

Now that we have a better understanding of what E-A-T is, let’s dive deeper into why it’s so important.

  • E-A-T is a key factor in Google’s algorithm for determining search result rankings.
  • E-A-T helps establish credibility and trust with your audience, which can lead to increased engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty.
  • E-A-T can help protect your website from penalties or devaluations from search engines.

Tools and Metrics for Evaluating Your Website’s E-A-T

Now that we understand the importance of E-A-T, let’s explore the different tools and metrics you can use to evaluate your website’s E-A-T.

1. Google Quality Rater Guidelines

The Google Quality Rater Guidelines provide valuable insights into what Google considers high-quality content and a high E-A-T score. Reviewing these guidelines can help you identify areas where you can improve your own website’s E-A-T.

2. Search Console Performance Report

Google’s Search Console Performance Report can provide valuable insights into how search engines are ranking your website, which can give you an idea of how your website is performing in terms of E-A-T.

3. Backlink Analysis

Backlinks are an important factor in establishing authority and credibility. Conducting a backlink analysis can help you identify the quality and quantity of your website’s backlinks and identify areas where you can improve.

4. Content Analysis Tools

There are several content analysis tools available, such as SEM Rush, that can help you evaluate the quality of your website’s content and identify areas where you can improve.

Actionable Tips for Improving Your Website’s E-A-T Score

Now that we have discussed the tools and metrics you can use to evaluate your website’s E-A-T score, let’s explore some actionable tips for improving it.

1. Focus on High-Quality Content

High-quality content is a crucial element in improving your website’s E-A-T score. Focus on creating content that is informative, accurate, and relevant to your audience. Make sure to cite credible sources and include references or links where appropriate.

2. Establish Backlinks

As we mentioned earlier, backlinks are an important factor in establishing authority and credibility. Focus on building relationships with other websites in your industry and work to earn backlinks from them.

3. Optimize Author Bios

Author bios can help establish your expertise and credibility, so make sure to optimize them with information about your qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise.

4. Be Transparent and Build Trust

Transparency and trustworthiness are crucial in building a loyal audience. Make sure to provide clear and transparent policies, communicate authentically and transparently with your audience, and respond promptly and positively to feedback.

5. Monitor Your Online Reputation

Monitoring your online reputation can help you identify areas where you can improve your credibility and trustworthiness. Respond promptly and positively to negative feedback, actively seek out positive reviews and ratings, and work to address any concerns or complaints in a timely and effective manner.


E-A-T is a crucial element in determining the success of your website, and it’s important to regularly evaluate and improve your website’s E-A-T score using the tools and metrics we’ve discussed in this article. By focusing on high-quality content, building backlinks, optimizing author bios, building trust, and monitoring your online reputation, you can improve your website’s E-A-T score and establish credibility and trust with your audience.

What is E-A-T and why is it important?

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. It is a set of criteria that Google uses to evaluate the quality of a website’s content. Websites that score high on E-A-T tend to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) than those that don’t. E-A-T is important because it signals to search engines and readers that your website is a reliable source of information.

What are the tools and metrics to evaluate your website’s E-A-T?

There are several tools and metrics you can use to evaluate your website’s E-A-T score. Some of these include:

1. Google Search Console – this tool can help you identify issues with your website’s performance and find opportunities for improvement.

2. SEMrush – this is a comprehensive SEO tool that can help you track your website’s search rankings, analyze your backlinks, and monitor your competitors.

3. Moz – this tool provides a suite of SEO tools that can help you track your website’s performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and monitor your competitors.

How can you improve your website’s E-A-T?

There are several steps you can take to improve your website’s E-A-T score:

1. Create high-quality, original content that demonstrates your expertise on the topic.

2. Build a strong backlink profile by earning links from reputable websites.

3. Establish a strong social media presence and engage with your audience.

4. Make sure your website is secure and has a privacy policy.

5. Monitor and respond to reviews and feedback from your customers or readers.

How does E-A-T impact your website’s ranking?

E-A-T can have a significant impact on your website’s ranking. If your website scores high on E-A-T, it signals to search engines that your website is a reliable source of information. This can lead to higher search rankings, increased traffic, and improved visibility online. On the other hand, if your website scores low on E-A-T, it can result in lower search rankings and decreased traffic.

How can you measure the success of your website’s E-A-T score?

There are several metrics you can use to measure the success of your website’s E-A-T score. Some of these include:

1. Your website’s search ranking – if your website is ranking higher on SERPs, it may indicate that your E-A-T score is improving.

2. Links from high-authority websites – if your website is earning links from reputable sources, it is a good sign that your E-A-T score is improving.

3. Engagement metrics – if your audience is engaging with your content (e.g. through comments, shares, likes, etc.), it may indicate that your E-A-T score is improving.

4. Reviews and feedback – positive reviews and feedback from your customers or readers may indicate that your website’s E-A-T score is improving.

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